
Tennessee Republicans Introduce Idiotic Anti-Sharia Bill Drafted by Racist Loon

Mad Prophet Ludwig2/28/2011 10:21:35 am PST

Guys, this is not about clucking about how everyone is soo angry or “where did politeness go?” The time when such questions would have been appropriate - or capable of doing anything were the days before Carl Rove and Fox News.

The GOP is openly in the employ of plutocrats who are using racism, fanaticism, and reactionary fear of women and gays and everything not uneducated, Christian and mildly obese to distract the masses from their real goals of destroying any political competition, workers rights, public education and of course, making the world safe for unhindered drilling and burning of fossil fuels.

The people behind this are looking to their bottom lines first last and always. This is just like Krupp and other German industrialists did when they pimped a similar, hyper nationalist, purify the nation, populist anti-communist message with racial tones.

How about we get real now that the mask is completely off and start fighting to take our nation back from the brink? This is not the time to caterwaul or wring hands. The fight has been here for some time and it is getting ever more bold. It is a time to organize and fight back while there is still something that looks like America to fight for.