
Pamela Geller: The Muslim Brotherhood Controls Every Agency of the US Government

Petero18182/10/2010 6:29:57 pm PST

re: #377 The Sanity Inspector

Yes, Third World countries’ judicial systems are Teh SuXXoR, no news there. And, having gone through a patdown at a checkpoint from Jordan into Israel, I know how seriously they take their security. It’s interesting and everything, but I don’t see how it has bearing on how we should handle our terrorism issues.

My point was that if you don’t like it, change the yard stick. I do not believe in universal rights for people who commit crimes. I simply believe that your constitution guarantees people who commit crimes certain rights. You don’t like it, change it. But don’t as so many on the right do, hold up the constitution as a stone tablet that guides the country, and turn around later and say, oh but we never really thought it should apply to those that try to hurt us. Thats bullshit. And I am not saying that that is your position per se, but that is why I referred to those rights not being universal in my previous post.
As far as mistakes in previous trials that cost lives later, that is an unfortunate byproduct of your system and is hardly unique to that case. Often, there are things that happen in a trial which may result in mistrial or acquittal and that result in a criminal back on the street who commits another crime. Its not a perfect system I agree. I wish you guys would see that already. Just know that changing things can have equally awful unintended consequences.