
Anti-AGW 'Expert' in UK Parliament Inquiry: Another Energy Industry Shill

_RememberTonyC3/06/2010 5:56:24 pm PST

re: #385 Obdicut

It’s still just rent-seeking, though.

I’m sorry if you feel that’s demonization, but health insurance is a naturally broken market. There is an incentive to take payment and then not actually provide coverage— or to provide coverage as cheaply as possible. I’m not accusing all health insurance companies of doing that to the utmost, because they are staffed by people, who are, you know, human, but the shape of the market rewards inefficiency in payment and efficiency in denying coverage.

insurance reform is necessary. i don’t deny that. but the POTUS’ tone towards the industry is tantamount to demonization. It’s just the Prez’s style. It’s what he does. Others have suffered similarly. But let’s be honest about the intent of the President. One reason I like Joe Lieberman is that he is representing his constituency (Connecticut) instead of drinking the kool-ade. We’ll agree to disagree.