
The GOP's Quid Pro Quo

danhenry112/10/2010 8:31:58 am PST

Referencing everything that has been happening this country over the past 10-12 years; I am really starting to worry for out future.
There seem to be SO many folks out here that will not talk to you if you don’t share similar opinions.
We can’t even have decent conversations about sports. At one time I could say something about my sports teams. ‘Boston’, in general and we could have decent arguments and ‘back and Fourths’, about ‘the games’….now it has been reduces to expressions of ‘who cares what he’s done’ they cheated…Pats., who cares they drank whiskey before the Yankee series…(Red Sox 2004.)…
There is a true meanness going through our society right now, and people have lost sight.
I don’t want people dieing over in Afghanistan, or anywhere. But the battle for the change in minds of the MEN in this region and others is going to be a long one. We have a responsibility of protecting the women of this part of the world.
We must.
This is kind of the major thing here guys….If we cannot protect the least of us, what are we going to do.