
Digging a Little Deeper

cpuller2/26/2009 12:19:56 pm PST

I’m not a particularly religious person since I was raised in a single parent home and we weren’t taken to church much. So, you know that about me. I do consider myself Christian. I’ve been Christened and I’ve been Baptized.

I’m not sold on 6000 years (isn’t it getting closer to 7000? :P) And I’m also not sold on evolution to the extent many are. Count me in the group thinking there’s something else. I don’t want Creationism taught in school but I also don’t want evolution taught as if it is settled science. I do get the whole “Well, science keeps questioning itself” consideration. But, it seems they don’t question themselves as much on evolution as they might ought to.

There, kill me now and get it over with.