
Harry's Place: Out of Power, Going Bonkers

karmic_inquisitor9/23/2009 11:51:21 am PDT

re: #305 Charles

From my perspective, it looks like the kooks and fanatics are taking over the GOP completely.

Amen and hallelujah to that, because I am no longer a Republican precisely because what Barry Goldwater warned about has happened - the religious has come to override liberty in the GOP.

It is all about the social conservatives.

And the irony is that those who would use law to proscribe our morality are deceiving the crap out of a lot of people by trumpeting budget and deficit issues to gain more traction among a discontented center.

Go ahead America - hand them power. You will see repeated what happened when the SoCons took over the GOP in California - betrayal on financial issues as deals are done to increase taxes despite pledges to the contrary. Then you get sex scandals from guys trumpeting “family values”. Oh - and if there are any members of the GOP who stray from the SoCon line they vilified in the media by the SoCons as RINOS.

Come to think of it - that is already what is happening in the GOP.

Permanent minority party with those asshats in charge. That is why I have nothing to do with the party anymore.