
Arkansas Republicans Getting All Up in That Vagina Again

CuriousLurker1/30/2013 8:16:03 am PST

I can’t stay this morning, but I just wanted to drop off this little jewel, brought to you by idiots Walid Shoebat & son via WND (emphasis mine):

High-schoolers told cannibalism allowed
University where Obama spoke instructs in ‘this type of violence’

The curriculum used to instruct young Egyptian students includes permission for them to use Christians and others as lunch, according to a startling report from Walid and Theodore Shoebat, on the website for Walid Shoebat, a former Muslim Brotherhood member who is now a peace activist.

“In the future, the Egyptian Islamists will not only be conducting systematic violence, but cannibalism against Christians and moderates,” they reported, citing a video interview from a man identified as “One Egyptian scholar” that is online.

The teachings are from the curriculum coming from Al-Azhar university, “the most reputable of all Islamic schools,” according to the report that includes video from the Eretz Zen Channel. […]

Link to WebCite version of page…

As you can see from these Google results, the wingnuts are on it. I’m trying to get angry, but I can’t seem to stop LOL long enough to work myself up into a fit of outrage. If you read the whole article you’ll see that they even provide a page number from the supposed Al-Azhar book in question, to make it seem more legit.

FWIW, Sharia covers just about everything, so I’m sure it covers cannibalism too. I know for a fact that we’re allowed to eat pork or any other prohibited thing if and ONLY if we’re in danger of dying of starvation., so I wouldn’t be surprised if cannibalism was also allowed in order to survive as the preservation of life is paramount; dietary rules do not trump it.

I don’t know of any society or religion that would prohibit cannibalism under dire circumstances, but “systematic” cannibalism of Christians & moderates being sanctioned? That’s beyond absurd—it’s a form of blood libel.

As far as I can tell, the “Eretz Zen Channel” is nothing more than some guy’s YouTube channel. From what I gather, he’s Lebanese former military commander-in-chief, Michel Aoun. Based on his name he’s Christian, so that might explain his hostility towards Muslims. As for his military background, who knows? Shoebat claims to have been a former terrorist, which is pure bunk.