
John Birch Society Praises Glenn Beck for Promoting Their 'Ideas'

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)8/06/2010 2:16:57 pm PDT

re: #391 Spare O’Lake

You are the one who then started doing cartwheels and backflips in a transparent attempt to transform the stated policy to one of ending all use of oil or all imported oil.

Except for the part where I didn’t do that at all, and instead said Obama wasn’t going nearly far enough to reduce our use of oil.— like this:

re: #322 Obdicut

Obama’s plan is for the reduction of our use of oil. That’s a good plan.
It’s not nearly enough, though. He is not doing nearly enough on energy independence.

You are now just making shit up! Congrats.

But you are wrong…I actually BELIEVE Obama’s policy is what he said it was, and it is YOU who is pretending otherwise.

Yeah, lets just pretend that whole bit where you don’t understand that Saudi Arabia makes just as much money if the US buys oil from Canada instead didn’t happen.