
Report on Palestinian Rocket and Mortar Attacks

itellu3times1/01/2009 1:57:56 pm PST

re: #357 Joo-LiZ

I find a lot of people suffer from viewing this whole situation as a kind of big-brother little-brother situation. They look down on Hamas as being a primitive backwards people, and so anything they do is something that Israel, “the bigger man” should be able to put up with forever, without getting fed up and hitting back.

I have a sort of mental image of a man on a chair sipping his coffee while reading the paper, and a little boy running around the room poking him with a stick or bat or some other kind of “toy”. Eventually, the man on the chair gets fed up, puts down the coffee, gives the boy a good smacking, and then goes back to his business, only for the boy to start poking him again.

Like the stone-throwing kids (and adults) Israel put up with from at least 1967 onwards.

Per the analogy, at some point, if the kid doesn’t stop poking people, we lock him up. At some point he’s an adult, or a retard. Locked up in either case. Not competent. Not a member of society. Not treated as a member of society, but as sick and dangerous, to himself and others.