
Overnight Open Thread

Walter L. Newton6/25/2010 8:58:25 am PDT

re: #395 Fozzie Bear

Of course. The GOP literally isn’t any longer participating in the legislative process. They took their ball and went home. This is a deliberate strategy, designed to result in the failure of the legislature as a whole, and of course, it works.

It amazes me that you see two parties, one that fails despite effort to produce good legislation, and one that actively fights ANY attempts at doing so, and you find less fault with the party that has openly stated that their goal is to railroad any and all progress for a hoped political gain.

Of course, you’re just being “post-partisan”, huh?

Hmmm… I just called the GOP the party of “NO”… that said, which is evident that they tried to obstruct this bill at all levels, now, where does that leave us… well, the Democrats who have the majority here… that failed to produce good legislation, as per your comment, and my agreement.

I think the financial institutions needed a good crackdown… the Democrats, who could have changed that (evidently the GOP had no desire to change anything)… caved (which is no wonder, the folks in DC work for special interest, not our interest).