
And Now, Pope Francis of Argentina

Destro3/13/2013 4:30:21 pm PDT

re: #329 Dr Lizardo

That’s all very true. Face it, the Romans were fairly punctilious at recording the news of the day, even if some of it made it into the history books as polemics. Someone like that, in an occupied territory, that would’ve been a big deal. Like you said, Spartacus got a mention. So why doesn’t a guy who’s walking on water, raising the dead, and single-handedly curing every sick person up and down the road to Jerusalem?

Either he never existed, which is one possibility, or he was such a small-fry that the Romans offed him before dinner and had a good chuckle about it over goblets of wine later that evening and then forgot about him, like they would about any petty criminal they’d executed.

Jesus was small fry AND there were other miracle workers doing Jesus like stuff at the time also like Apollonius of Tyana.