
An Interesting Discrepancy in First Look's Public Statements, Presented for Your Perusal

Chrysicat3/02/2014 9:43:43 am PST

re: #403 b_sharp

How do I check?

Chrome keeps telling me it shut down incorrectly.

Well, I have a Win 8.1 machine, so Task Manager breaks things out differently than it did in previous versions. Under ‘Processes’ there’s now a ‘Background Processes’ subheading, and each of your Chrome tabs (or tab-groups that share the same RAM call) is broken out. Two of mine are making calls for over a gig apiece, with another 4 or 5 saying they’re sucking down about 500 MB. Even on a machine running 16 GB, that’s annoying.

As for not shutting down correctly, that’s gonna happen unless you go to the menu (the three horizontal bars) button, then select ‘exit’ every time you want to leave. I’m not totally sure if the computer’s ‘shut down’ process shuts it down gentle or screws it up like killing the parent process in Task Manager would.

And incidentally, I wouldn’t have checked at all except that my cooling fans suddenly went on like a jet taking off. That was rarely happening even during hardcore gaming, so I took a look at Task Manager.