
Poll: Ron Paul Is ...

The Shadow Do5/07/2009 8:06:52 pm PDT

re: #351 Ojoe

The original Republicans were a third party.

When the country really needs a new direction third parties do win.

Somewhat true if you care to look back far enough to find that one instance. It was a fusion of interests driven by the whole slavery question that gave birth to the Republican Party. The Whigs pretty much migrated or died on the vine - as opposed to being displaced in whole. When the day brings an issue before the people on par with slavery in magnitude, one which completely captures opinion and transcends Party, then you will see the birth of a new Party. Until then, these third party movements are at best just noise and at worst produce ugly, unwelcome results.

The GOP can be changed a heck of a lot faster than can a new political party achieve legitimacy. Ross Perot meant well, but what he produced was a real mess.