
Catholic Hospital Punishes Administrator for Authorizing Abortion to Save Woman's Life

Achilles Tang5/16/2010 11:35:50 am PDT

re: #401

No, of course not.
But Catholic hospitals have provided medical care before abortion was legal. To say, as you did earlier, that Catholics got into the business of health care for the purpose of controlling people’s lives is silliness (and stupidity).

A Catholic-owned hospital will not provide abortions, nor the facilities to others to provide abortions. They would, however, sell the hospital. How about a group of atheists get together and buy these non-profit endeavors from the Catholics, and provide the services being provided by Catholic medical facilities?

I think you haven’t read all my comments on the issue.

I respect Catholic’s rights to their opinions and acts when they apply to themselves. When they find themselves in the position of being the sole source of medical care for many, whether that is what they intended or not, then they no longer have the right to dictate their terms to others.

To suggest that it is only atheists who differ from Catholics on issues of reproduction is silliness (and stupidity).

Shall we start over?