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NJDhockeyfan4/11/2010 7:30:03 am PDT

‘Crash the Tea Party’ group threatens to infiltrate and destroy

A new activist group, Crash The Tea Party, has sprung up on the web with the sole intention of “dismantling and demolishing” the entire tea party movement. Crash’s mission statement goes on to explain “our goal is to derail the fake Tea party movement by crashing the party and highlighting the absurdity of them.” Crash repeatedly refers to tea party supporters as “racists, morons and homophobes.”

Although Crash’s website states that they will take down the tea party “by any non-violent means necessary”, the anonymous founder of the group (known as the “Mad Hatter” or Twitter name “tpartycrasher”) tweeted this on April 8th:

“When Glenn Beck dies, I plan to pour a pint of whiskey on his grave. I hope he doesn’t mind if I run it through my kidneys first!!!.”

The group, who has garnered a decent amount of press attention from major cable news and conservative talk radio, says they’ve already infiltrated meetings and rallies with the intent purpose of portraying ‘real’ tea partiers in a negative light in front of the mainstream media. Misspelled signs, extreme TV interviews, and misinformation about events are some of the tactics being used by the group.

Fox News Channel’s Neil Cavuto reported on his show last week that big left wing organziations like ACORN and The Huffington Post were leading the charge, urging crashers to infiltrate the biggest Tax Day Tea Party taking place next week in the nation’s capital on April 15th.

I have a feeling things are going to get very ugly this summer.