
Spectacular Stop-Motion Animation: My Strange Grandfather

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)2/24/2013 10:40:19 am PST

re: #404 dragonath

Huh, I was thinking about this too. I think, most of the anger about the current situation is primarily reactive. What Ted Cruz and Scott Walker are doing is worth being angry about…

I’m trying to be a little more polite though.

Yeah, you can be angry without being needlessly insulting. Though in a way, a lot of modern GOP ideas are just… dismissable. It’s hard not to insult disbelief in climate change, because it represents such deliberate ignorance. But there’s definitely a lot of just shouting for shouting’s sake that doesn’t actually achieve anything. Noise isn’t progress. Get out the vote, voter registration, voter education is progress. It can be good to make a big ruckus, like people did in attacking Rush over his comments to Fluke— because it draws attention to the issue, but actual political change doesn’t come through just being angry, it comes from doing something constructive with the anger.