
Breaking: NJ Mayor Cory Booker Wins Democratic Primary for US Senate

thatthatisis8/13/2013 6:44:23 pm PDT

For those looking for a citation about Booker and the dog, I’m afraid I don’t know how to embed. Just google “Booker saves dog”. The pictures the press took (he waiting to save the dog until the press arrived) as they interviewed Booker tell the story. Does the dog look like he’s being put into a warm car? Or do the pictures look more like Booker is holding the dog out in the cold while talking to the press with a concerned look on his face?

I will also be honest and admit that I was upset with Booker for his appearance on Meet The Press (I think it was MTP) when he criticized President Obama while he was an official spokesman for candidate Obama. I thought that was particularly opportunistic to get on the show as an Obama spokesman and use the visibility to further his own political career.

Go ahead and down rate me. I am only speaking my opinion and backing it up with reasons. How horrible of me.