
Ron Paul Pines for the Good Old Days of the Galveston Hurricane

Atlas Fails8/28/2011 11:17:42 am PDT

Luap Nor is the proverbial broken clock that is right twice a day. He’s almost always wrong (see: FEMA, gold standard, income tax), and even when he’s right (Iraq, Gitmo), it’s for the wrong reason. He didn’t oppose the invasion of Iraq because he felt it was an unnecessary war that was declared under false pretenses, but because his knee-jerk reaction is “no foreign intervention, ever.” This same line of thinking made him look like the idiot he is on Libya. His cult supporters may claim he’s “different” and “not an ordinary politician” because he often disagrees with both parties, but he’s no more independent than any other Republican. Just because his default ideology is “government bad!” instead of “government bad (except when it’s enforcing conservative Christian morality)!” doesn’t make him a free-thinker.