
The Undead Hosni Mubarak

Lidane6/19/2012 5:24:16 pm PDT

Facts Remain Elusive for ‘Historian’ David Barton

“Historian” Barton posted on his Twitter page a link to an essay called A Comprehensive List Of Obama’s Worst Executive Orders, which appears on a website for an outfit called The Western Center for Journalism (WCJ). Despite the authoritative name, the Western Center for Journalism is a creation of far-right conspiracy promoter Joseph Farah. Farah also founded World Net Daily, a wack-a-doodle website worshipped by birthers who insist that Obama is lying about being born in the United States.

The “Comprehensive List” essay suggests that President Obama is issuing executive orders to lay the groundwork for taking over the country and overthrowing freedom.


The essay lists 13 executive orders supposedly backing up the claim. But 11 of those executive orders were issued five decades ago, during the administration of President Kennedy. The other two were issued by Presidents Johnson and Carter.