
Libertarian Kook Wayne Allyn Root Floats Another Wingnut Conspiracy Theory

Jack Burton in Mactified Forshion8/07/2012 11:21:02 am PDT

re: #31 jaunte

Of making many conspiracies there is no end.

Rival wingnuts see Wayne Allyn Roots’s transcript tempest and raise him an “unholy alliance between Obama and Islam.”

Right-Wing Activists Warn Obama is working with Islamists to bring down Christianity, the West and America

At risk of conjuring the MBF… a lot of “left-wing” activists and pundits swore up and down that GWB was going to re-institute the draft on day one of his second term (among a litany of other things that didn’t happen).

The fear-mongering by the fringes going into an election knows no bounds.