
The Dark Forces Empowered by Donald Trump: Hate Rising, by Jorge Ramos

Nerdy Fish10/31/2016 10:54:48 am PDT

re: #408 Le Lapin Tueur

Mrs. Rabbit and I have had this discussion many times after one of these stories comes out, but it goes more along the lines of:

I had a friend of mine, an entertainer, who was called at the last minute by a Trump/Pence campaign staffer to provide entertainment for some venue or other. Because it was last minute, the rush fee turned out to be too much for the campaign to pay (which is awesomesauce in and of itself), but in the comments on the original post, it was clarified that the entertainer would not have accepted the job without payment at the time of service performed. Campaigns on both sides of the aisle are notorious for skimping on those sorts of invoices, but the commenters were especially wary of the Trump campaign.