
Video: Resonance

Decatur Deb6/19/2011 7:08:25 am PDT

re: #396 sattv4u2

So my son just informed me what he has planned for me for Farthers Day

After church, he’s going to drive me to my favorite butcher shop where I get to buy baby back ribs (one of his favorite meals) then when we get home I can start preparing them while he goes and picks up one of his best friends (fatherless) so he can come over and they can go up to my sons room and play video games until I finish cooking the ribs and once thats done they’ll go back up to his room until the other kid wants to go home (most likely, not until tomorrow)


I’m getting shit for Father’s Day. Number 1 son is going to show up in an hour or so with a pick-up load of spent mushroom compost for the garden. I get to shovel it out with him..