
Fox Business Debate: Republican Bad Ideas That Stopped Living, Part 3

Yeah Sure WhatEVs11/11/2015 8:58:49 am PST

re: #337 HappyWarrior

You do make some good points. When I interned, I was doing a lot of the same work I would be doing if it was full time. The exact title of the position was “unpaid work experience.”

It’s completely exploitative. It should pay minimum wage because you are gaining experience. That you work for free for that experience is akin to slavery. If they value their intern program, show it. Pay people to show up and work. It’s not like they can’t fire an intern if they don’t do a good enough job, experience or not. Travel, gas, etc., all the same. I can see a paralegal gaining experience - at minimum wage. And there is a benefit to gaining experience. But, as the right likes to always say, one will get great pride from paid labor. So interns should be paid.