
Bobby Jindal's Wife Promotes Science Education While Hubby Works to Subvert It

tom from pv4/17/2009 5:20:24 pm PDT

re: #411 Charles

Charles - this bill also affects education on cloning and global warming. I understand you’ve focused on the creationism part of it — but the law goes far beyond that. And that’s where I’m coming from — what does the bill REALLY do, who REALLY wanted it, and what should we REALLY be concerned about.

And it is ABSOLUTELY true that this bill passed the Louisiana Senate 35-0 and their house 91-3. All but two Democrats voted for it. Yes indeed, Jindal signed and supported it — but he had near unamimous support. This wasn’t slipped in at midnight without anybody reading it!

I’ve posted numerous articles at LGF explaining why these “academic freedom” bills are simply disguised creationism bills. The Louisiana one was heavily promoted by the Discovery Institute (with Bobby Jindal) and they have a sample bill on one of their creationist websites that is the model for this one and for every other “academic freedom” bill being pushed by Republican politicians in other states.

But all but two Democrats voted for this bill — so its hard to reconcile the claim that its pushed by just Republican politicians. I’m forced to conclude that Democrats ALSO supported the bill. These are Louisiana Democrats, to be sure, but are still Democrats.

Before you spout off on the subject and deny the creationist intent of the bills, educate yourself.

I’m applying the scientific method. So far, I’ve found NOTHING in this bill that OVERTLY supports the teaching of creationism or injecting religion into science education. I’m a skeptical person.

In point of fact I found what appears to be the opposite: “Provides that proposed law shall not be construed to promote any religious doctrine, promote discrimination for or against a particular set of religious beliefs, or promote discrimination for or against religion or nonreligion.”

OK, maybe the above is “code” for “you must teach creationism or lose your job”. It just doesn’t look like that to me though. So I will follow the trail and look at the curriculum set up by the BESE. I’ll relate that soon. In the meantime, I don’t think I’m spouting off at all, but as a relative newbie, maybe I deserved that.