
Video: DeNuke Iran

SixDegrees5/18/2009 4:14:58 pm PDT

re: #396 Iron Fist

So you are OK with them nuking Israel? Or Saudi Arabia? How about expanding Iranian Hegemony throughout the middle east under a nuclear umbrella than none would dare to really do anything to stop?

These are all possible results of a nuclear Iran. All of them threaten American National Security to one degree or another, yet none of theminvolve Iran lobbing a nuclear-tipped missile at the Continental United States.

I agree that these are legitimate concerns. In the video, however, the speaker explicitly states that Iran may have nuclear warheads and may be able to hit the US with missiles equipped with them, and then immediately states that their aim is to destroy Israel and the United States. Although I agree with the sentiments, overstatement like this isn’t all that helpful. As you point out, there are imminent threats that are much more plausible already on the table.