
Virginia Challenges EPA Greenhouse Gas Finding

lostlakehiker2/19/2010 9:56:09 pm PST

But having the EPA outlaw breathing isn’t “legislative action”. It’s a power play by the executive. Greenhouse emissions, if they must be controlled unilaterally inside the U.S. (an approach which won’t make a lick of difference, but whatever), should be controlled by a plain old tax on CO2. Not by outlawing emissions.

The Feds won’t actually outlaw breathing. They’ll generously make an exception and permit light breathing. Maybe even heavy breathing. But the regulatory approach will be invasive and onerous compared to a tax. Worse yet, it creates a legal precedent whereby the executive can simply decree laws. If CO2 is a pollutant, then so is oxygen. If not for oxygen, there wouldn’t be any forest fires, now would there? If not for oxygen, there wouldn’t be any CO2 forming.

We must do something. Granted. But power plays and high handed regulatory edict is not that something.