
NY Teenagers Charged with Shooting at Mosque, Trying to Run Over Worshippers

Gus9/01/2010 2:52:29 pm PDT

re: #398 Shiplord Kirel

I believe that extreme ideology is rarely the actual cause of the violence committed in its name. It is the other way around: Disturbed people invent extremism to rationalize violent impulses that really have no rational cause.

With modern methods of propaganda, it is possible for people with a common delusion to band together and share their crazy rationalizations, creating extremist movements, terrorist gangs, and cultic religions among other less than rational phenomena.
This creates commercial opportunities for people like Alex Jones, creating a feedback effect in the dissemination of craziness.

With so many ideologies around and pathologies one wonders if we’re going to be seeing more forms of micro-terrorism.