
Jimmy Wahlsteen: Halifaxation

NJDhockeyfan11/16/2011 5:16:52 am PST

Christmas present idea for snorers…

Robotic bear pillow stops your snoring by gently mauling your face (video)

Looking to stop snoring? What you need is Jusui-Kun, a robot bear that paws your face while you’re sleeping. Okay, it’s more of a “gentle tickling,” according to the bear’s creators. The key is to get the snorer sleeping on the pillow to move his or her head from side to side. Jusui-Kun has a built-in mic to detect the sleeper’s snoring, while an equally cuddly hand monitor detects blood oxygen levels, letting the bear know when to issue one of its loving face swipes. Video after the break.

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