
The Bob & Chez Show: Goodbye

BeachDem3/01/2017 4:52:42 pm PST

re: #412 Belafon

Democrats addressed the lack of jobs, the need for education. Democrats have pointed out for years that you can’t make a church perform a wedding it does not want to do. Democrats point out that blacks and gays weren’t trying to get any special privileges, they just wanted to be treated any suggestions equals.

What Democrats didn’t do was tell conservatives that blacks would go away and that we’d promise to never elect a black president again.

Charles P. Pierce:

Holy mother of god, I’m tired of reading quotes from people who live in places where the local economy went to hell or Mexico in 1979, and who have spent the intervening years swallowing whatever Jesus Juice was offered up by theocratic bunco artists of the Christocentric Right, and gulping down great flagons of barely disguised hatemongering against the targets of the day, all the while voting against their own best interests, now claiming that empowering Donald Trump as the man who will “shake things up” on their behalf was the only choice they had left. You had plenty of choices left…

You all had the same choices we all had. You saddled the rest of us with misrule and disaster. Own it. I empathize, but I will not sympathize.