
Video: Stephen Colbert Can't Stop Laughing at Trump's Garbled Jerusalem Speech

ObserverArt12/07/2017 3:59:14 pm PST

re: #388 ThomasLite

I don’t think we shoud go there. What she decides to expose to others or to camera has no bearing on her right not to get an unwanted kiss, ‘french’ or otherwise.
That’s kind of one of the ground rules for consent people seem to have so much trouble getting through their skulls.

IMO it could be argued posing in playboy makes at least some level of comment on her physical appearance (including sexually tinted) fair game - at least to some extent.
but it reaaally shouldn’t influence your opinion on her objection to unwanted physical contact…

Again…the photo is not the point. Can I make it any clearer???

The timing is the point.

Yeah…I’m leaving. Why did I even enter into this??? I’ve never taken advantage of anyone, all I am is confused.