
NY Teenagers Charged with Shooting at Mosque, Trying to Run Over Worshippers

researchok9/01/2010 2:54:11 pm PDT

re: #394 LudwigVanQuixote

Cato… He seems to have a rather anti-immigrant bent to his writing as well.

I don’t think he falls so neatly into the left wing nut variety as some might like.

However, let’s say you are dead on.

I have to ask, so what?

How is getting riled about his flavor of nuttiness any different than the endless times we have seen mass movements of wingnuts here defended anemically by finding one or two left wing assholes?

This guy does not have Fox News riling him up 24/7. The issue is one of the singular insane delusions of the individual, rather than promoted mass delusion made respectable in a large group. Which is more dangerous?

The guy was nuts and he was a criminal. I could care less about his politics.

Making an issue of his politics, in my opinion, is absurd. First and foremost, he was a sick bastard. His politics and leanings are meaningless.

Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.