
Guantanamo Judge Denies Obama's Request

FrogMarch1/30/2009 5:07:28 pm PST

re: #397 markie

Only when unions over-reach. Unions ensure that everyone plays by the rules for the most part, since individuals are easily ignored, quashed, or intimidated into silence.

There are many unions that need to get back to those basics instead of merely working to gain as much compensation as they can.

Yes, I was a union guy.

Well, I make no secret or apologies - I am very anti-union. I see what unions do to companies first hand. In many cases, they drive the company into the ground. Besised, in this modern age - Labor laws make unions obsolete. unions were once desperately needed, now they simply exist to make union higher-ups rich, make the business less profitable, and make the employees used to such cushy unrealistic unsustainable hours and benefits - it tears any strong business down.
GM pays the folks who were “layed-off” to do nothing all day. That is the ultimate goal of the union. force companies to pay employees for very little output. What ever happened to the free market, supply and demand, competition? If you do not like your job or the benefits - quit and get another one. Most businesses must provide good perks to compete in the job market place. As I said - Unions are unnecessary.