
Tech Note: Linkage Mutating into Diaries

Mad Prophet Ludwig5/08/2010 7:23:53 pm PDT

Sarcasm rant:

Do you hate it when someone is smarter or better educated than you?

Do you hate all those liberal elitists thinking that just because they went to some school, they know more?

Do you realize that you don’t need a fancy education to know a communist non-American traitor president when you see one?

Do you like to follow in large angry mobs, shouting your fury that America is just less and less white?

Can you no longer stand to see gay people having the nerve to think that they should be treated just like everyone else, when every good person knows they are a stain on our great nation?

Are you sick of women thinking that they have all the rights and that men have none? Since when should they have sole rights over their bodies?

Are you tired of being made to feel guilty for driving your car because some fruit fly might die?

Are you tired of so called scientists in general telling you that you are nothing but the descendant of an ape?

Are you sick of foreigners coming here, taking your jobs, and making America even less American?

Do you not want to be captured by a United Nations black helicopter and have a tracking chip put in your bottom?

Will you fight the Federal Government to the death if they come for you and try to take your guns - the only thing that will protect you any more from gays or immigrants or gay immigrants?

Don’t you realize that the best way to defend Israel is by propping up Saudi Arabia with more oil money?

Will you be ready to figure out who is with us and destroy those who are not?

Will you take back America for the real Americans?

Then join the GOP!