
Music from a Dry Cleaner

Interesting Times9/21/2011 8:54:41 pm PDT

re: #409 LudwigVanQuixote

IT won’t be Venus exactly.

James Hansen has said it will, though that’s one thing I just can’t bring myself to accept. Granted, Venus was supposed to have had oceans at one point, which, due to the runaway greenhouse effect, boiled away. That’s why the air pressure on Venus is equivalent to what you’d find at the lowest ocean depths on Earth - boil that amount of water, and all its weight/volume in the form of water vapor winds up in the atmosphere (so the idiot denier meme that Venus got hot because of its dense atmosphere is ass-backwards - it’s the other way around. The greenhouse effect is what made that atmosphere so dense.)

Then again, Venus is a good deal closer to the sun than the Earth. Surely that made a difference at some point? I mean, even if we go all Permian extinction event, I’d like to at least keep the miniscule consolation that other life could spring up again on Earth some day :(