
A Fantastic Version of the Classic Blind Faith Song by Lake Street Dive's Rachael Price and the Chris Thile Band: "Can't Find My Way Home"

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷12/24/2018 7:49:00 am PST

re: #416 ObserverArt

And here I thought one of The Ten Commandment was “Thou shall not kill.”

Then again, maybe The Ten Commandments are no longer part of Modern Evangelicals.

To hell with them…they deserve the punishments they believe are coming.

The evangelical apologetic rationalisation goes like this:

The verse should be translated as “thou shalt not murder.” Killing is a mistranslation.
God commands all sorts of people to be killed in his name (which they claim are such people as gays, feminists, abortion doctors, &c)
It’s not murder if God commands it.
God’s law is above man’s law.
Therefore killing (name group) is not murder.