
Pamela Geller: The Muslim Brotherhood Controls Every Agency of the US Government

Mosh2/10/2010 6:45:52 pm PST

re: #411 jamesfirecat

I love the Simpsons too.

If you want to change the constitution follow the procedure that the Founders outlined. Article V states that the Constitution may be altered through a constitutional amendment or through a constitutional convention. As it stands, our constitution does not allow the government to set up a national health insurance option, it does not allow the Federal government to set up a carbon market. It does not give the Federal government the authority to run the education system. In fact under the Tenth Amendment which states that “All powers not delegated to the Congress by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it are reserved to the states”.

The states can establish single-payer health care systems, cap carbon, and run the education system but the Federal government does not posses those powers.