
Overnight Open Thread

Walter L. Newton1/29/2011 10:20:32 am PST

re: #410 ggt

I’ve had a life-time of sinus infections—chronic allergies are the culprit for me. I think I’ve had a low-level sinus infection going on for a while-it’s kinda my “normal”. Neti pot helps tremendously.

Started on antibiotics yesterday, feeling better today. Sleeping in the recliner helps alleviate the pressure and headaches that result.

Glad you are feeling better, Walter. There is little worse than a full-blown untreated sinus infection.

Good news on the job-front as well! It all happened around your planned vacation. Not bad on the karma scale! :)

Unexpected too. That wasn’t a lay off, it was like a short leave of absence. The strange thing, 3 1/2 week ago they laid off a total of 6 people, like the world was coming to an end for them, and I know the two cashiers that were laid off are coming back, me and another guy, and my hours this week are 33.5, which is about 13 hours more than then usually give me (and I need or want). So, I don’t know who in the ivory towers are making these decisions because something don’t seem to shake out.

My girlfriend, who works retail at a corporate HQ of a company, says she thinks that Kroger needed to show some figures on some reports, stuff for the stake holders, or something like that, so the cooked the staff for a month to make something look better than it is/was.

It will kick me a few bucks into the red, but I have a small buffer, and nothing will go untaken care of… and the extended hours will kick my ass a little, considering my health right now, but, considering the times and situation currently, I’m happy.