
GOP Creationists Pass Anti-Evolution Bill in Tennessee

CuriousLurker4/09/2011 6:15:16 pm PDT

re: #412 Killgore Trout

Don’t be sorry, that’s often the best way to have these discussions. Too often people try to win an argument instead of having a conversation. If you really want to understand an issue the best thing to do is ask why someone has a different opinion. Most people can explain their point of view honestly if simply asked.

I think I was making the whole thing scarier in my head that it actually is. You guys can be pretty formidable when riled up, so broaching the subject even when everyone was calm took required me working up my courage and hoping I wasn’t poking a stick in a fire ant bed. I guess I should have a little more faith in you guys after a year of being here, huh? My bad—I know better now. :)