
Kim Davis's Attorneys Say She Met Secretly With Pope Francis - UPDATE: Vatican Spokesman Confirms Meeting

Bubblehead II9/30/2015 4:57:38 am PDT

re: #36 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)

So why would the Pope try to hide this meeting if he felt (as the story claims) being a conscientious objector and acting on your conscience was a basic human right?

There are no end of RWNJ theories to cover this eventuality. The Pope was scared of Obama’s retribution, etc.

All in all, it is a briliant PR ploy…along the lines of Donald Rumsfeld’s Known Unknowables and Unkowable Knowns…can anyone prove she didn’t meeet witht the Pope?

About the only way this will ever be (dis)proven is if an official (identifiable) Vatican spokesman come out and either verifies the meeting took place or denies it. Until then, I am going to keep this story in the B.S.file.