
Trump: Women Who Have Abortions Should Be Punished; Send Them to Back Alley Butchers

Lidane3/30/2016 12:30:03 pm PDT

ROFL. Freepers are calling bullshit on this story:

I guess the first question I would have would be if he really said this. If he did…oh boy.

Throw a little fuel on the fire Donald. Is this real??

No, he couldn’t be that dumb. This has to be a spoof or misrepresentation.

This is most likely a liberal lie.

Statements such as this will force those who say they are pro-life to either put up or shut up. Of course, if abortion is illegal and a woman gets an abortion, she should be charged with murder.

I have a feeling something is way, way out of context here.

Donald the Hun?

Looking back on traditional practice, it was treated as relatively minor infraction on the part of the woman, as the act seemed so illogical as to be imagined more crazy than criminal.

Governments tend to deal in sticks rather than carrots. However this is where a robust social support network for troubled mothers, anchored in private arrangements such as church, could really be helpful.

An all-Caesar solution isn’t a solution. We need to get religion back, and not just the kind that says you’re going to hell, but the kind that shows you what heaven is.

I knew it! Goblins ate his brains!

Maybe this is the mechanism where he throws the election to Hillary (ala Trojan Horse theory).