
Hoffman Vows to Continue Storming the Castle

Walter L. Newton11/04/2009 10:55:47 am PST

re: #38 Walter L. Newton

And I will say (and I have said it already today) that this can be looked at in just the reverse. Hoffman was highly touted by the right wing nuts, and he lost, and the moderate candidates, who really didn’t get a lot of support from the right wing nuts, won.

It goes to show you that there is a moderate base and that it can win.

Looks positive to me.

But, of course, the progressives will not look at it in the way I have detailed above. For one thing, it blows their whole meme that the right wing nuts run the party.

But, it’s not been ignored by the press. Google “Obama referendum elections” and see how many MAJOR news agencies are giving Obama and the progressives a little taste of their own medicine.