
Global Warming Nontroversy of the Day

Gus11/20/2009 11:55:35 am PST

re: #35 borgcube

This one is going to have to settle for awhile. It’s too early to make too much or too little of this yet. It’s not the scientific scandal of the century (although we’re only 10 years in so maybe it is, I don’t know) but it doesn’t make these guys look like they were completely interested in pure science either. I don’t think this can help the pro AGW arguments at all no matter what comes from this, illegal hack included. In fact, if the main focus becomes the hack and not what’s contained in these emails, that will only add fuel to the anti-AGW side.

Conversely this will make the anti-AGW side look like they’re aiding and abating criminal activity which in fact they are even if they use whatever what was found in said emails.