
World Net Daily's Back to School Extravaganza

Cato the Elder8/16/2010 10:54:40 pm PDT

re: #34 Nick Schroeder

Why do you object to the “moonbat” appellation?

There are wingnut homeschoolers, and there are moonbat homeschoolers. And there are homeschoolers who are neither wingbats nor moonnuts.

The person in question is indubitably a moonbat. First, she believes that “the universe” is a benevolent force in her life. Second, she is certain that eating locally-grown organic food makes her “better” than people who don’t. Third, she has banned all plastic from her house, even toys that her five-year-old son might enjoy, because “plastic is eeevul”. Exceptions: her own plastic shit, like her iPhone and her Prius. Fourth, her image as a “greener” is more important to her than the reality. When she and her husband bought the Prius, it was because he drives 500+ miles a week for his job, whist she maybe drives fifty. After a week of that, she decided it was bad for her PR to be driving the big family gas-guzzler, so now she drives the Prius 50 miles a week whilst her husband guzzles gas for 500 and more. Fifth, she thinks all of her good luck, her fancy home, her organic wines, her Prius, and her woolen and silk and cotton clothing, are owing to her special virtue as a “good” person, when in fact her husband earns all the money as a - mortgage banker.
