
Randall Terry's Campaign to Destroy Qurans

jamesfirecat9/24/2010 11:33:33 am PDT

re: #36 LudwigVanQuixote

Humor is the one weapon that ideologues, fundamentalists and blowhards have no defense against. It is the same reason that communists and fascists are always so keen to pump up the image of fearless leader…It is the same reason the Fanatics in the Jihad world hated the Mohammed cartoons so much.

If your central message is fear and anger, laughter dispels that and leaves room for sense to work its way in, leaving people like those scowling old GOPers castrated.

To be fair the hatred of Mohammed cartoons probably has at least a part due to his command not to be shown in images or whatever it was that he said along those lines as opposed to most dictators who frequently can’t/couldn’t get enough of putting their faces on things, be it money, stamps, or statues….