
Pamela Geller Spews Hatred at Jewish Week

sliv_the_eli12/30/2010 11:11:48 am PST

re: #30 Charles

Afraid you are painting with an overly broad brush there, Charles. Citing Arutz Sheva as proof that the “settler movement” is moving to the right is an exercise in circularity, because Arutz Sheva represents the right wing of the settler movement. It is like citing Stormfront (or Atlas Shrugs) as proof that the United States is lurching to the extreme right. The reality is that the majority of “settlers” (even if East Jerusalem is not included in the count) are merely suburbanites who chose to take advantage of government subsidies to purchase affordable housing in the suburbs of Jerusalem. The balance of the “settler” population have always been predominantly — but not exclusively — right-wing in their political views, and while their views have largely hardened in the wake of the absolute failure of the 2005 withdrawal from Gaza, they have hardly “lurched” to the right recently.