
And Now for a Joey

Irish Rose5/23/2009 7:54:50 am PDT

re: #380 vxbush

Gah. I think I may puke. Have the TV on, and they just played a commercial for a special cross made of crystal and sterling silver that has a “special crystal” in the center that, when you look at the center of it, has the entire L-rd’s prayer etched on it!

For that special, low price of two payments of $19.99! Plus shipping and handling, of course.

Looking for my wretching bucket….

The Evangelical community in particular is heavily into marketing Christian products and earning profit. It’s all part of the whole “prosperity gospel” that is preached and promoted by the Evangelical churches 24/7.

A lot of Christians feel the need to buy all kinds of cheap and expensive geegaws to display their faith to the world, for some odd reason, and the merchants who sell everything from pencils to bookmarkers to bracelets to plaques to paintings to books to jewelry are more than happy to exploit them. Slap the word “Jesus” or “God” on something, include a clever little poem or a fish, and Christians will buy it.

I think that Jesus had people like this in mind when he drove the money changers out of the temple.