
Suddenly Contraceptives Are Controversial?

palomino2/08/2012 11:18:23 pm PST

re: #379 negativ

Riddle me this:

How the fantastically fractal flippin’ fuck did “fundamentalist Catholic” become America’s Default Setting over the course of the past 72 hours?

Obama “in a terrible bind” vis a vis “the Bishops”?

What the FUCK year is it? Are strange musclebound guys with thick Austrian accents combing the countryside looking for Sarah Connor?

I am terrified that I am going to suddenly wake up to find that it’s actually 1930, and I’ve been experiencing a WILD fever-dream about some deranged ex-convict who somehow wins an election and ends up bringing indescribable ruin on half the world.

I can’t predict if the Catholic vote will be affected by this or not. But two things are clear: Obama would rather not be dealing with this shit; and just a few percentage point change in the overall Catholic vote could easily be the difference between winning and losing in November. Hence the Republican aggressiveness over the last 24 hours. Maybe it’s all wishful thinking on their part, maybe not.