
Bolton Attacks Obama for Wikileaks, Beclowns Self

Gus12/05/2010 5:32:01 pm PST

John O’Neill. Main author of “Unfit for Duty”:

The PBS program Frontline covered O’Neill’s ongoing effort to discredit Kerry in an October 2004 report titled The Choice 2004.

According to “Be Honest,”, 2004: “John O’Neill, the leader of the swiftboat veterans ‘for truth’ is on record as having lied about the role of the swift boat operators in Cambodia. In 1971, this was his videotaped conversation with Nixon [Scroll down to segment.]:

O’NEILL: I was in Cambodia, sir. I worked along the border on the water.
NIXON: In a swift boat?
O’NEILL: Yes, sir.

“However, he later claimed that no one could cross the border by river and he claimed in an audio tape that his publicist played to CNN that he, himself, had never been to Cambodia either.”

“One would think that O’Neill, as the leader of this group, would actually have known something about Kerry’s service - especially after reading an OP-Ed he wrote, entitled: ‘I was on Mr. Kerry’s boat in Vietnam. He doesn’t deserve to be commander in chief.’ However, he did not serve with Kerry. He arrived in Vietnam after Kerry had already left. O’Neill provided $25,000 of the group’s funding.”