
Overnight Open Thread

lawhawk9/05/2009 7:51:16 am PDT

re: #415 lincolntf

Obama’s character and judgment have been questionable from the moment he announced his run for the White House. They haven’t changed. If anything, his performance to date has been exactly as predicted. He’s inexperienced on foreign policy and seeks to appease and kowtow to terrorists and terror-sponsoring regimes. His domestic policy is a mess, so he’s attempted to push a ME peace process, which is moribund because Hamas and the Palestinians refuse to accept a Jewish state of Israel in a 2-state peace process.

His selection of tax cheats and those with ethics flaps for key positions shows he lacks attention to detail. It also shows he can’t judge character and fitness in others. The inability to fill key positions at Treasury shows lack of judgment - particularly in one of the most serious economic crisis the nation has seen, hamstringing whatever economic policies he hopes to pursue.

His persistent attempts to use the bully pulpit to push his agenda through is a welcome change from Bush’s failure to do so, but it is so ingrained in this Administration that it’s taken on the form of a perpetual campaign and Obama is failing to do what he was supposed to do, which is lead. On health care, he let Congress push the process, and it turned into a disaster. He’s now trying to push his own proposals, but public opinion is now soured on health care overhaul.