
American Family Association Spokesman Fischer: Obama Wants to Give America Back to the 'Indians'

Dark_Falcon12/21/2010 9:40:55 pm PST

re: #352 Walter L. Newton

You know… when you make statements like “self-deception,” do you you realize that you are judging a whole lot of people, all under the same umbrella?

Just because certain elements of the political right uses creationism as an anti-scientific hammer to hit people over the heads, primarily for political gain, does not put all believers in creationism into the self-deception camp.

There are hundreds of thousands of people on all sides of the political spectrum who believe that a god created most things, at some point in time. And many of these people believe in a 6000 year old earth, and many of these people are black, and brown and of all different colors, and they are Catholics and Methodists and Baptists and so on.

In one fell swoop you are putting people from all ends of the spectrum into one basket, and calling them self deceived.

I didn’t mean it to be read that way. I wasn’t trying to make a blanket statement. Soory it came out that way.